I have an appointment with the doctor.
Tinc una cita amb el metge.
I have an appointment with Tom.
Tinc una cita amb en Tom.
I'd like to cancel my appointment for tomorrow.
Vull cancel · lar la meva cita per demà.
I have a dentist appointment.
Tinc una cita amb el dentista.
You have to call the doctor and make an appointment.
Has de trucar al metge i fer una cita.
I'd like to make an appointment for the day after tomorrow.
M'agradaria fer una cita per al dia després de demà.
Jane's parents were pleased about her appointment as a teacher at the school.
Els pares de Jane estaven satisfets amb el seu nomenament com a professora a l'escola.
I took a bus so as not to be late for my appointment.
Vaig agafar un autobús per no arribar tard a la meva cita.
I am sorry to cancel the appointment at the last minute.
Em sap greu cancel · lar la cita a l’últim moment.
I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor.
M'agradaria fer una cita per veure el metge.
He canceled the appointment at the last moment.
Va cancel·lar la cita a l'últim moment.
He was very angry with me when I forgot the appointment.
Estava molt enfadat amb mi quan vaig oblidar la cita.
I would greatly appreciate it if we could change our appointment to 100:100 pm on March 100.
Ho agrairia molt si poguéssim canviar el nostre nomenament a les 22:100 del 100 de març.
I made an appointment to see the doctor at four o'clock.
Vaig fer una cita per veure el metge a les quatre.
I'm sorry. I have another appointment.
Ho sento. Tinc una altra cita.
The dentist will see you only by appointment.
El dentista només et veurà amb cita prèvia.
We were all surprised at the appointment of Mr Brown as director.
Tots ens va sorprendre el nomenament del Sr. Brown com a director.
I am very sorry, but I must cancel our appointment for February 100.
Ho sento molt, però he de cancel · lar la nostra cita per al 100 de febrer.
I have a dentist appointment.
Tinc una cita amb el dentista.
I have a dentist appointment.
Tinc una cita amb el dentista.
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