Tom ate the whole apple in less than three minutes.
Tom es va menjar tota la poma en menys de tres minuts.
Two glasses of apple juice, please.
Dues copes de suc de poma, si us plau.
Do you have any apple pie today?
Tens algun pastís de poma avui?
Melanie is eating an apple.
La Melanie està menjant una poma.
The dog is eating an apple.
El gos menja una poma.
The apple fell!
La poma va caure!
The apple looked good, but the inside was rotten.
La poma es veia bé, però l'interior estava podrit.
I would like an apple.
M'agradaria una poma.
I'm eating an apple.
Estic menjant una poma.
He ate the apple.
Es va menjar la poma.
She peeled an apple for him.
Ella li va pelar una poma.
Do you like apple pies?
T'agraden els pastissos de poma?
Tom poured some apple juice into a glass.
Tom va abocar una mica de suc de poma en un got.
The apple trees will probably start to blossom next week.
Les pomeres probablement començaran a florir la setmana vinent.
That apple is big.
Aquesta poma és gran.
The apple is on the table.
La poma està sobre la taula.
Is the apple red?
La poma és vermella?
Somewhere in this world, there must be an apple that needs me.
En algun lloc d'aquest món, hi ha d'haver una poma que em necessiti.
Is his aunt eating an apple or a banana?
La seva tia menja una poma o un plàtan?
We give him the apple.
Li donem la poma.
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