Tom remarked on Mary's appearance.
Tom va comentar l'aparició de Mary.
Savages fear the appearance of a fierce wild beast.
Els salvatges temen l'aparició d'una bèstia salvatge ferotge.
Tom is very particular about his appearance.
Tom és molt particular sobre la seva aparença.
I was surprised by his sudden appearance.
Em va sorprendre la seva sobtada aparició.
You shouldn't judge by appearance.
No s'ha de jutjar per compareixença.
Write a paragraph by using adjectives to describe the person's appearance.
Escriu un paràgraf utilitzant adjectius per descriure l'aparença de la persona.
She has a friendly appearance.
Té una aparença amistosa.
I find her appearance attractive.
La seva aparença és atractiva.
Don't judge people by appearance.
No jutgis la gent per aparença.
In China, there's a saying that you can't judge a person by appearance.
A la Xina, hi ha una dita que diu que no es pot jutjar una persona per aparença.
Judging from his appearance, he must be a rich man.
A jutjar per la seva aparença, ha de ser un home ric.
His sudden appearance gave rise to trouble.
La seva aparició sobtada va donar lloc a problemes.
I was surprised at his sudden appearance.
Em va sorprendre la seva sobtada aparició.
At the sudden appearance of a bear, the kids made believe they were dead.
A l'aparició sobtada d'un ós, els nens van fer creure que estaven morts.
Judging from her appearance, I think that she's rich.
A jutjar per la seva aparença, crec que és rica.
Her sudden appearance in the doorway surprised us.
La seva sobtada aparició a la porta ens va sorprendre.
John is brave in appearance, but is in reality a coward.
John és valent en aparença, però en realitat és un covard.
Judge him by what he does, not by his appearance.
Jutjar-lo pel que fa, no per la seva aparença.
He deceives others with his appearance.
Enganya els altres amb la seva aparença.
No one noticed the bear's appearance.
Ningú no va notar l'aspecte de l'ós.
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