Let's appeal to the people and see what it will say
Apel · lem a la gent i veiem què dirà
The lawyer decided to appeal the case.
L'advocat va decidir recórrer el cas.
The defendant was granted an appeal.
L'acusat va rebre un recurs.
To the same tune of warmongers dances an English Weismannist-Morganist called Faucet, who said that if no form of birth control was introduced, humanity was left a sole remedy only - "to appeal to the ancient trinity: war, disease and hunger."
Amb la mateixa melodia de balls de belicistes, un weismannista-morganista anglès anomenat Faucet, que va dir que si no s'introduïa cap forma de control de la natalitat, la humanitat només quedava un remei únic: "apel·lar a l'antiga trinitat: guerra, malaltia i fam."
Do these paintings appeal to you?
Us agraden aquestes pintures?
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