The islanders are being slaughtered for no apparent reason.
Els illencs estan sent sacrificats sense cap motiu aparent.
It's quite apparent that you don't want to do this for me.
És evident que no vols fer això per mi.
The danger was not apparent.
El perill no era evident.
It was the midnight of Friday, 100th; nothing of ill omen was apparent.
Era la mitjanit del divendres 100; no es veia res de mal presagi.
The fact is apparent to everybody.
El fet és evident per a tothom.
It was apparent that there was no way out.
Era evident que no hi havia sortida.
It was the midnight of Friday, 13th; nothing of ill omen was apparent.
Era la mitjanit del divendres 13; no es veia res de mal presagi.
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