Tom attempted to apologize in French.
Tom va intentar disculpar-se en francès.
I think he should apologize to the teacher.
Crec que hauria de demanar disculpes al professor.
You should apologize to her for coming late.
Hauríeu de demanar-li disculpes per arribar tard.
"I'm sorry I hurt you" "Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong, Tom."
"Em sap greu haver-te fet mal" "No et disculpis. No vas fer res dolent, Tom."
I'm waiting for you to apologize.
Estic esperant que et disculpis.
She gave us a dour look when we suggested that she apologize.
Ens va donar una mirada dura quan li vam suggerir que demanés disculpes.
You don't have to apologize.
No cal que et disculpis.
Tom didn't even apologize.
Tom ni tan sols es va disculpar.
Everyone can offend a boxer, but not everyone has time to apologize.
Tothom pot ofendre un boxejador, però no tothom té temps per demanar disculpes.
I want to apologize for what I did.
Vull demanar disculpes pel que he fet.
I don't want you to apologize.
No vull que et disculpis.
We apologize for the delay.
Demanem disculpes pel retard.
I want Tom to apologize.
Vull que Tom es disculpi.
I'm here to apologize for what I did the other day.
Estic aquí per demanar disculpes pel que vaig fer l'altre dia.
I'm willing to apologize.
Estic disposat a demanar disculpes.
I have to apologize.
He de demanar disculpes.
I apologize for not replying right away.
Demano disculpes per no respondre immediatament.
I apologize for the late reply.
Demano disculpes per la resposta tardana.
I apologize for having to leave.
Demano disculpes per haver de marxar.
I think it's time for me to apologize to her.
Crec que és hora de demanar-li disculpes.
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