Tom figured out the cost and it was more than he could afford.
Tom va descobrir el cost i va ser més del que es podia permetre.
Tom had to drop out from college because he couldn't afford tuition.
Tom va haver d'abandonar la universitat perquè no es podia permetre la matrícula.
We can't afford this.
Això no ens ho podem permetre.
If you can't afford travel insurance, then you can't afford to travel.
Si no us podeu permetre l'assegurança de viatge, no us podeu permetre el luxe de viatjar.
Tom and Mary can't afford to buy a house.
Tom i Mary no es poden permetre el luxe de comprar una casa.
I priced overcoats today, but found I couldn't afford one.
Avui tinc un preu dels abrics, però he descobert que no em podia permetre un.
I have to earn some money so that I can afford a computer.
He de guanyar diners perquè em pugui permetre un ordinador.
If you can't afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you.
Si no us podeu permetre un advocat, se us designarà un.
I can only afford to make a partial payment.
Només em puc permetre fer un pagament parcial.
Tom can't afford a new car.
Tom no es pot permetre un cotxe nou.
I'd like to buy it, but I can't afford the expense.
M'agradaria comprar-lo, però no em puc permetre la despesa.
I can barely afford to buy enough food to feed my family.
Amb prou feines em puc permetre comprar prou menjar per alimentar la meva família.
I can afford it.
M'ho puc permetre.
I really can't afford to buy this dress.
Realment no em puc permetre el luxe de comprar aquest vestit.
He can't afford to have his reputation hurt.
No es pot permetre el luxe de fer mal a la seva reputació.
Only the strong can afford being wrong.
Només els forts poden permetre el luxe d'equivocar-se.
I can't even afford to buy a used car.
Ni tan sols em puc permetre el luxe de comprar un cotxe usat.
Tom can't afford a lawyer.
Tom no es pot permetre un advocat.
I can't afford it.
No m'ho puc permetre.
Tom can't afford that kind of computer.
Tom no es pot permetre aquest tipus d'ordinador.
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