I asked Tom what he'd advise.
Li vaig preguntar a Tom què aconsellaria.
What do you advise me to do?
Què m’aconselleu fer?
I wouldn't advise that.
No ho aconsellaria.
She didn't advise him to do it.
Ella no li va aconsellar que ho fes.
What do you advise me to do?
Què m’aconselleu fer?
Did you advise him to go to the police?
Li vas aconsellar que anés a la policia?
I advise you to give up drinking.
Us aconsello que deixeu de beure.
I advise you to go abroad while young.
Us aconsello que aneu a l'estranger quan sigui jove.
Please advise me what to do.
Si us plau, aconsella'm què fer.
I'd advise starting at once.
Aconsellaria començar de seguida.
I'll do as you advise.
Faré el que aconsellis.
I will advise you on the matter.
T'assessoraré sobre el tema.
We wish to advise you of the following price reductions.
Volem assessorar-te sobre les següents reduccions de preus.
I advise you to stop smoking.
Us aconsello que deixeu de fumar.
I wouldn't advise that.
No ho aconsellaria.
I'll do as you advise.
Faré el que aconsellis.
I'll do as you advise.
Faré el que aconsellis.
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