"Sometimes it seems, Tom, that we're the only adequate people over here." "You're right, Mary. However sad it is, but we're surrounded by idiots only, and their ring is inexorably tightening."
"De vegades sembla, Tom, que som l'única gent adequada aquí." "Tens raó, Maria. Per molt trist que sigui, però només estem envoltats d'idiotes i el seu anell s'està estrenyent inexorablement."
When Rafael was studying medicine, he painfully saw how people afflicted by heart diseases died due to lack of adequate medical equipment.
Quan Rafael estudiava medicina, va veure dolorosament com morien les persones afectades per malalties del cor per manca d'equip mèdic adequat.
It was adequate.
Era adequat.
An income adequate for one's needs.
Ingressos adequats a les necessitats.
She isn't adequate to the task.
No és adequada a la tasca.
The project to build a new sports center has fallen through for lack of adequate funds.
El projecte de construcció d'un nou centre esportiu ha fracassat per la manca de fons adequats.
He is adequate for the post.
És adequat per al càrrec.
The national health service was far from adequate.
El servei nacional de salut estava lluny de ser adequat.
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