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De fet
IPA : /ækʧuəli/
I actually voted that I'm not a perfectionist, though. I have some of the signs on the list to a high degree but not entirely motivated by perfection.
De fet, vaig votar que no sóc perfeccionista. Tinc alguns dels signes de la llista en un alt grau però no del tot motivats per la perfecció.
In a world where political and cultural divisions still cause so much hardship, maybe it's actually time that we gave Esperanto a real shot.
En un món on les divisions polítiques i culturals encara causen tantes dificultats, potser és hora que li donéssim una oportunitat real a l'esperanto.
Who am I actually: a monk dreaming he's a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming it's a monk?
Qui sóc jo en realitat: un monjo somiant que és una papallona, o una papallona somiant que és un monjo?
It's much easier dealing with animals than humans sometimes, well, most of the time, actually.
És molt més fàcil tractar amb animals que els humans de vegades, bé, la majoria de vegades, de fet.
Tom and Mary have actually never been on a date yet.
En Tom i la Mary encara no han tingut una cita.
Maria didn’t suspect that "Tom", her pen-friend, with whom she had been corresponding for months over the Internet and whom she secretly loved, without ever having met him, was actually a super-intelligent squirrel.
Maria no sospitava que "Tom", el seu amic per correspondència, amb qui feia mesos que mantenia correspondència per Internet i a qui estimava en secret, sense haver-lo conegut mai, era en realitat un esquirol súper intel·ligent.
I haven't actually said no yet.
De fet, encara no he dit que no.
Tom didn't actually say that.
En Tom no ho va dir realment.
You don't actually believe that story?
De fet, no us creieu aquesta història?
She works here, but her office is actually on the second floor.
Treballa aquí, però la seva oficina es troba en realitat al segon pis.
Tom couldn't believe that Mary had actually kissed him.
Tom no podia creure que Mary l'hagués fet un petó.
I can't believe you actually did something like that.
No puc creure que realment hagis fet una cosa així.
That's actually not true.
De fet, això no és cert.
I didn't actually forget my camera. I just didn't want to take pictures.
De fet, no vaig oblidar la meva càmera. Simplement no volia fer fotos.
Did you actually see Tom?
De fet, has vist en Tom?
Did Tom actually say that?
En Tom ho va dir realment?
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