Tom was killed in a hunting accident.
Tom va morir en un accident de caça.
She was blinded by the glare of headlights and could not avoid the accident.
Va quedar encegada per l'enlluernament dels fars i no va poder evitar l'accident.
She ran the risk of having an accident.
Corria el risc de patir un accident.
As a result of the car accident, the driver was severely injured, and the passanger died.
Com a conseqüència de l'accident de cotxe, el conductor va resultar greument ferit i el passatger va morir.
We haven't yet learned the particulars of the accident.
Encara no hem après els detalls de l'accident.
I met him by accident.
El vaig conèixer per accident.
We nearly had an accident when the car brakes jammed.
Gairebé vam tenir un accident quan els frens del cotxe es van bloquejar.
That was no accident. Someone set the house on fire.
No va ser cap accident. Algú va incendiar la casa.
Tom lost his only son in a car accident.
Tom va perdre el seu únic fill en un accident de cotxe.
I was in a car accident.
Vaig tenir un accident de cotxe.
It was an accident, Tom.
Va ser un accident, Tom.
Today's paper gives further details of the accident.
El document d'avui dóna més detalls de l'accident.
Tom was blinded in a railroad accident.
Tom va quedar encegat en un accident de ferrocarril.
This happened purely by accident.
Això va passar per casualitat.
An awful accident happened yesterday.
Ahir va passar un accident terrible.
If that accident had happened in a city, it would have caused a disaster.
Si aquest accident hagués passat en una ciutat, hauria provocat un desastre.
The accident happened at that intersection.
L'accident va passar en aquella intersecció.
She was injured in a car accident.
Va resultar ferida en un accident de cotxe.
How did the traffic accident happen?
Com va succeir l’accident de trànsit?
Dick was involved in a traffic accident.
Dick va estar involucrat en un accident de trànsit.
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