Mention the name of the man you're talking to. It makes everyone feel important and accepted.
Esmenta el nom de l'home amb qui estàs parlant. Això fa que tothom se senti important i acceptat.
He accepted her offer.
Va acceptar la seva oferta.
They accepted the offer.
Van acceptar l'oferta.
However, Huxley himself hardly believes that his vile proposal will be accepted by the democratic countries.
Tanmateix, el mateix Huxley gairebé no creu que la seva vil proposta sigui acceptada pels països democràtics.
The urban planning committee has accepted our proposal.
La comissió urbanística ha acceptat la nostra proposta.
Tom accepted the offer.
Tom va acceptar l'oferta.
Tom accepted Mary's invitation.
Tom va acceptar la invitació de Mary.
Tom offered Mary a job and she accepted.
Tom li va oferir feina a Mary i ella va acceptar.
The section chief accepted the offer.
El cap de secció va acceptar l'oferta.
The current national anthem of Georgia was accepted in 100, when Saakashvili came to power.
L'actual himne nacional de Geòrgia va ser acceptat l'any 100, quan Saakashvili va arribar al poder.
Checks are accepted.
S'accepten controls.
He often accepted bad advice.
Sovint acceptava mals consells.
The company accepted his application.
L'empresa va acceptar la seva sol·licitud.
She accepted his gift.
Ella va acceptar el seu regal.
She accepted his hand in marriage.
Va acceptar la seva mà en matrimoni.
She gladly accepted his proposal.
Ella va acceptar amb molt de gust la seva proposta.
She smiled and accepted my little present.
Va somriure i va acceptar el meu petit regal.
Clothes without tabs aren't accepted in the changing room.
La roba sense pestanyes no s'accepta al vestidor.
His ideas were too far advanced to be accepted by ordinary people.
Les seves idees estaven massa avançades per ser acceptades per la gent normal.
The section chief accepted the proposal.
El cap de secció va acceptar la proposta.
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