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Translation of "accept" into Catalan
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The word you entered is not in our dictionary.
IPA : /æksɛpt/
After much reflection, I decided not to accept the offer.
Després de moltes reflexions, vaig decidir no acceptar l'oferta.
We refused to accept Tom's resignation.
Ens vam negar a acceptar la dimissió de Tom.
Please accept my sincere apologies for my impertinence.
Si us plau, accepteu les meves sinceres disculpes per la meva impertinència.
We were more than satisfied when the Romanian Government, even before its membership of the European Union, showed its readiness to accept this directive.
Estàvem més que satisfets quan el govern romanès, fins i tot abans de la seva pertinença a la Unió Europea, va mostrar la seva disposició a acceptar aquesta directiva.
While I was thinking over whether I should accept such strange apologies, Coutabay leafed through the book and read loudly and expressively: "While I was thinking over whether I should accept such strange apologies, Coutabay leafed through the book and read loudly and expressively: "While I was thinking..." Holmes quickly snatched the volume from Coutabay's hands.
Mentre pensava si havia d'acceptar disculpes tan estranyes, Coutabay va recórrer el llibre i va llegir en veu alta i expressiva: "Mentre pensava si havia d'acceptar disculpes tan estranyes, Coutabay va recórrer el llibre i va llegir en veu alta i expressiva: "Mentre pensava..." Holmes ràpidament va arrabassar el volum de les mans de Coutabay.
Only Takeuchi did not accept the invitation.
Només Takeuchi no va acceptar la invitació.
Do you accept a credit card?
Accepta una targeta de crèdit?
Did you accept his invitation?
Accepta la seva invitació?
You say that you're afraid of being disliked by other people, but you have some people that you dislike yourself, don't you? Arithmetically speaking, there are an equal number of people who you don't like that don't like you back. I'm not saying that if you end your dislike of someone, someone else will stop disliking you as well; it's just that you can't change the fact that if you dislike someone, then someone else dislikes you as well. Your life will go much smoother if you just give up and accept that t
Dius que tens por de no agradar-te per altres persones, però tens algunes persones que no t'agraden, oi? Aritmèticament, hi ha un nombre igual de persones que no t'agrada que no t'agradi. No dic que si acabes amb la teva antipatia per algú, algú altre deixarà de no agradar-te també; és que no pots canviar el fet que si no t'agrada algú, a algú altre també no li agrada. La teva vida serà molt més suau si et rendeixes i acceptes això t
I accept the challenge!
Accepto el repte!
I can't accept your gift.
No puc acceptar el teu regal.
I cannot accept your present.
No puc acceptar el teu present.
I hope that you will accept my request.
Espero que accepti la meva petició.
Tom seems to be unwilling to accept our offer.
Tom sembla no estar disposat a acceptar la nostra oferta.
Tom got Mary to accept his help.
Tom va aconseguir que Mary acceptés la seva ajuda.
I think it's best to accept his plan.
Crec que el millor és acceptar el seu pla.
We accept checks.
Acceptem xecs.
I'll accept it, but with one condition.
Ho acceptaré, però amb una condició.
Do you accept credit cards?
Accepta targetes de crèdit?
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