He spoke with an American accent.
Va parlar amb accent americà.
Police have advised that the man who stole the bike spoke with a strong accent.
La policia ha informat que l'home que va robar la bicicleta va parlar amb un fort accent.
He spoke slowly, with a strong Texas accent.
Va parlar lentament, amb un fort accent de Texas.
She affects a foreign accent.
Afecta un accent estranger.
He speaks English with a Russian accent.
Parla anglès amb accent rus.
Tom lost his foreign accent.
Tom va perdre el seu accent estranger.
Tom speaks English with a French accent.
Tom parla anglès amb accent francès.
I've got a feeling that nobody cares about their accent as much as the Russians.
Tinc la sensació que a ningú li importa tant el seu accent com els russos.
Tom speaks with a French accent.
Tom parla amb accent francès.
Were you born in England? You don't seem to have a british accent.
Has nascut a Anglaterra? No sembla que tinguis accent britànic.
Tom has a heavy German accent.
Tom té un fort accent alemany.
He's got a broad Scouse accent.
Té un ampli accent Scouse.
The other kids at school made fun of him because of his strange accent.
Els altres nens de l'escola es van burlar d'ell pel seu estrany accent.
I understood from his accent that he was an American.
Vaig entendre pel seu accent que era nord-americà.
His accent sounds a little quaint.
El seu accent sona una mica pintoresc.
His accent suggests he is a foreigner.
El seu accent suggereix que és un estranger.
He speaks English with a strong German accent.
Parla anglès amb un fort accent alemany.
He speaks English with a German accent.
Parla anglès amb accent alemany.
He pretended to be an Englishman, but his foreign accent gave him away.
Va fer veure que era anglès, però el seu accent estranger li va regalar.
In the word "tomorrow", the accent is on the second syllable.
A la paraula "demà", l'accent es troba a la segona síl·laba.
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