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Translation of "ability" into Catalan
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IPA : /əbɪləti/
The question of Tom's ability came up.
Va sorgir la qüestió de l'habilitat de Tom.
The ability to work hard is an admirable quality, but the ability to relax is equally important.
La capacitat de treballar dur és una qualitat admirable, però la capacitat de relaxar-se és igualment important.
Of course it's a good thing when someone learning a foreign language tries to use it without fear of making mistakes, but I don't think much of people without sufficient ability producing language learning material of poor quality.
Per descomptat, és bo quan algú que aprèn una llengua estrangera intenta utilitzar-la sense por d'equivocar-se, però no crec gaire en la gent sense capacitat suficient per produir material d'aprenentatge d'idiomes de mala qualitat.
Tom prides himself on his ability to speak French.
Tom s'enorgulleix de la seva capacitat per parlar francès.
When two souls... two hearts are meant for each other, the distance between them turns out to be just a detail. It's all about the ability to wait.
Quan dues ànimes... dos cors estan pensats l'un per l'altre, la distància entre elles resulta ser només un detall. Es tracta de la capacitat d'esperar.
They have a lot of confidence in Tom's ability.
Tenen molta confiança en la capacitat de Tom.
The ability to work hard is an admirable quality, but the ability to relax is equally important.
La capacitat de treballar dur és una qualitat admirable, però la capacitat de relaxar-se és igualment important.
I trust your ability to know what to do instinctively.
Confio en la teva capacitat per saber què fer instintivament.
He had lost all faith in his ability to succeed.
Havia perdut tota la fe en la seva capacitat per tenir èxit.
Glass has the ability to be broken under pressure.
El vidre té la capacitat de trencar-se sota pressió.
And everyone has the ability to contribute.
Tothom té la capacitat de contribuir.
A facet of genius is the ability to provoke scandals.
Una faceta del geni és la capacitat de provocar escàndols.
I have a natural ability in mathematics.
Tinc una capacitat natural en matemàtiques.
The average man fails not because he lacks ability, but because he lacks ability to concentrate.
L'home mitjà no falla perquè no té capacitat, sinó perquè no té capacitat per concentrar-se.
She has great ability in teaching English.
Té una gran capacitat per ensenyar anglès.
She has the ability to speak and write French.
Té la capacitat de parlar i escriure francès.
The three animals tried to help the old man, the monkey using its ability to climb to collect fruit and nuts, and the fox catching fish in the stream to bring to him.
Els tres animals van intentar ajudar el vell, el mico utilitzant la seva capacitat d'enfilar-se per recollir fruites i fruits secs, i la guineu agafant peixos al rierol per portar-lo.
He doesn't have the ability to do the work properly.
No té la capacitat de fer la feina correctament.
Cats have the ability to see in the dark.
Els gats tenen la capacitat de veure a les fosques.
Man has the ability to speak.
L’home té la capacitat de parlar.
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