Meaning & Definition of word "Latest"






    • 1. The most recent development or version.
      • Example: The latest from the research team shows promising results.


    • 1. Most recent in time; newest.
      • Example: I just read the latest news article about the event.
    • 2. The most up-to-date or modern version of something.
      • Example: Have you seen the latest updates for the software?
    • 3. The most recent or most current.
      • Example: She wore the latest fashion trends at the party.


    Middle English, from late + -est

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    latest news:

    The most recent information or updates.

    latest model:

    The most recent version of a product.

    stay up-to-date with the latest:

    To keep oneself informed about the most recent developments.

    Related Words


    Occurring after the expected time; delayed.


    Having happened or appeared not long ago.

    Slang Meanings of latest

    Meaning: The freshest news or gossip.

    Example Sentence: Did you get the latest scoop on the party?

    Meaning: The trendiest or most in-style item.

    Example Sentence: Those sneakers are the latest!