Meaning & Definition of word "Civility"






    • 1. Formal politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech.
      • Example: Despite their differences, both parties maintained a sense of civility during the debate.
    • 2. The act of being polite and respectful towards others.
      • Example: Civility is essential in maintaining a harmonious workplace.
    • 3. An instance of polite or respectful behavior.
      • Example: Her civility towards strangers is a trait that many admire.


    Late Middle English: from Old French 'civilté' or from Latin 'civilitas', from 'civis' meaning 'citizen'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    a matter of civility:

    An issue related to polite or courteous behavior.

    civility in discourse:

    Maintaining politeness during discussions or arguments.

    the face of civility:

    The outward appearance or aspect of politeness and respect.

    Related Words


    Polite behavior that shows respect for others.


    The customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.


    A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

    Slang Meanings of civility

    Meaning: Polite behavior or manners.

    Example Sentence: She showed mad civility when she helped her neighbor.

    Meaning: Being nice or courteous.

    Example Sentence: That guy has some serious civility when he talks to strangers.