Meaning & Definition of word "Aerobatics"






    • 1. The art of flying an aircraft in a series of intricate and usually spectacular maneuvers.
      • Example: The airshow featured thrilling aerobatics that left the audience in awe.
    • 2. Aerial maneuvers performed for a competition or spectator entertainment.
      • Example: Pilots train extensively to master the challenging aerobatics required in competitions.
    • 3. Stunt flying involving complex and choreographed aerial movements.
      • Example: The squadron's aerobatics display was a highlight of the aviation festival.
    • 4. A type of performance or demonstration involving various aerial tricks and flips.
      • Example: She was fascinated by the aerobatics displayed by the fighter jets during the open house.
    • 5. The performance of aerial stunts or maneuvers that showcase the capabilities of the airplane.
      • Example: The aerobatics team practiced daily to perfect their routines before the upcoming event.


    Derived from 'aero-' meaning air, and 'batics' from 'gymnastics', referring to skillful movements.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    stunt flying:

    Performing daring and impressive maneuvers in an aircraft.

    air show:

    An event where aircraft perform aerobatic displays.

    precision flying:

    Flying with high accuracy, often seen in aerobatics.

    Related Words


    The practical aspect of flying, operating, and performing maneuvers with aircraft.


    A person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft.


    Any vehicle capable of flight, such as airplanes and helicopters.

    Slang Meanings of aerobatics

    Meaning: Air show tricks

    Example Sentence: Those air show tricks were pure aerobatics!

    Meaning: Sky stunts

    Example Sentence: He's known for his sky stunts in aerobatics.