Meaning & Definition of word "Unanswered"






    • 1. Not answered or responded to.
      • Example: She had many unanswered questions after the lecture.
    • 2. Not having received a reply or resolution.
      • Example: His email went unanswered for several days.
    • 3. Left without a response or solution.
      • Example: The proposal remains unanswered despite numerous submissions.
    • 4. Describing an issue or topic that lacks a resolution or response.
      • Example: There are still unanswered issues regarding the new policy.


    Derived from the prefix 'un-' meaning 'not' + 'answered', the past participle of 'answer'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    unanswered questions:

    Questions that have not been responded to or addressed.

    unanswered prayers:

    Prayers that have not been responded to or fulfilled.

    unanswered calls:

    Telephone calls that received no response.

    Related Words


    A response or reaction to a question or situation.


    To say something in reply.


    To respond to someone's communication.

    Slang Meanings of unanswered

    Meaning: Ghosted

    Example Sentence: I texted him, but he ghosted me; my message went unanswered.

    Meaning: Left on read

    Example Sentence: She saw my message and left me on read; it felt unanswered.