Meaning & Definition of word "Strident"






    • 1. Having a shrill, irritating quality or character; loud and harsh.
      • Example: The strident alarm woke everyone in the house.
    • 2. Expressing opinions or criticism in a forceful and often unpleasant way.
      • Example: The strident tone of the debate made it difficult to reach a consensus.
    • 3. Characterized by a high-pitched sound.
      • Example: The strident cry of the seagulls filled the air.


    From Latin 'stridens', present participle of 'stridere', meaning 'to creak or screech'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    strident criticism:

    Criticism that is loud and defiant.

    strident agenda:

    An agenda that is forcefully outspoken or insistent.

    Related Words


    The quality of being grating or harsh.


    In a loud and harsh manner.

    Slang Meanings of strident

    Meaning: A loud and annoying way of speaking.

    Example Sentence: Her strident tone made everyone cringe.

    Meaning: Overly forceful in an argument or discussion.

    Example Sentence: His strident voice drowned out all opposing views.