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IPA : /oʊn/
I can hardly wait to get home and sleep in my own bed.
لا أستطيع الانتظار حتى أعود إلى المنزل وأنام في سريري.
Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
لكل شخص الحق في التملك بمفرده وكذلك بالاشتراك مع الآخرين.
Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
It is astonishing to witness that the Iranians, onto whom the Arabs imposed Islam through military defeat, have become its most zealous followers to the point of oppressing those of Zoroastrianism, though it is the religion of their own fathers. A kind of Stockholm syndrome on the national scale.
ومن المدهش أن نشهد أن الإيرانيين، الذين فرض عليهم العرب الإسلام من خلال الهزيمة العسكرية، أصبحوا من أتباعهم الأكثر حماسة إلى حد قمع أتباع الزرادشتية، رغم أنها ديانة آبائهم. نوع من متلازمة ستوكهولم على المستوى الوطني.
Great figures don't meet high standards, but rather make their own.
Great figures don't meet high standards, but rather make their own.
Consider what we do to our children. We do not say to them: 'Some people think the earth is round, and others think it is flat; when you grow up, you can, if you like, examine the evidence and form your own conclusion.' Instead of this we say: 'The earth is round.' By the time our children are old enough to examine the evidence, our propaganda has closed their minds...
فكر فيما نفعله بأطفالنا. ولا نقول لهم: بعض الناس يظنون أن الأرض مستديرة، وآخرون يظنون أنها مسطحة؛ عندما تكبر، يمكنك، إذا أردت، فحص الأدلة والتوصل إلى استنتاجك الخاص.' وبدلا من ذلك نقول: "الأرض مستديرة.' بحلول الوقت الذي يبلغ فيه أطفالنا سنًا كافيًا لفحص الأدلة، تكون دعايتنا قد أغلقت عقولهم...
You're the last person in the world I would like to see cloned; you're boring enough on your own.
أنت آخر شخص في العالم أود رؤيته مستنسخًا؛ أنت ممل بما فيه الكفاية بمفردك.
This is a difficult responsibility to embrace. For human history has often been a record of nations and tribes subjugating one another to serve their own interests. Yet in this new age, such attitudes are self-defeating.
وهذه مسؤولية يصعب تبنيها. لأن تاريخ البشرية كان في كثير من الأحيان سجلاً للأمم والقبائل التي أخضعت بعضها البعض لخدمة مصالحها الخاصة. ولكن في هذا العصر الجديد، فإن مثل هذه المواقف تهزم نفسها بنفسها.
Part of this conviction is rooted in my own experience.
جزء من هذه القناعة متجذر في تجربتي الخاصة.
More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations.
More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations.
Each of them has his own car.
كل واحد منهم لديه سيارته الخاصة.
Each cat has its own personality.
كل قطة لها شخصيتها الخاصة.
Do you own a computer?
هل تمتلك جهاز كمبيوتر؟
Do you own a computer?
هل تمتلك جهاز كمبيوتر؟
A man touched down on the moon. A wall came down in Berlin. A world was connected by our own science and imagination.
هبط رجل على القمر. سقط جدار في برلين. كان العالم مرتبطًا بعلمنا وخيالنا.
Everyone must learn on their own in the end.
يجب على الجميع أن يتعلموا بأنفسهم في النهاية.
She took her own life.
لقد انتحرت.
She took her own life.
لقد انتحرت.
She took her own life.
لقد انتحرت.
He saved the child at the risk of his own life.
لقد أنقذ الطفل على حساب حياته.
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