Meaning & Definition of word "Overlay"






    • 1. A layer that is placed over another layer.
      • Example: The graphic design featured a colorful overlay that enhanced the background image.
    • 2. An additional feature, layer, or set of elements that is superimposed on a main element.
      • Example: The map included an overlay showing the locations of all the tourist attractions.
    • 3. A covering or coating that obscures the original view.
      • Example: The frosting served as an overlay on the cake, giving it a smooth finish.


    • 1. To place something over or on top of something else.
      • Example: The artist decided to overlay one color of paint over another for a unique effect.
    • 2. To cover or obscure something partially or completely.
      • Example: They chose to overlay the new wallpaper over the old design for a refreshed look.
    • 3. To superimpose one thing upon another.
      • Example: The software allows users to overlay images to compare them side by side.


    Middle English 'overlaien', from Old English 'oferlǣgan', meaning to lay over.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    overlay network:

    A computer network that is built on top of another network.

    overlay model:

    A model used in various fields to represent layered structures.

    Related Words


    To place one thing over another, typically so that both are still evident.


    A single thickness or coating, as in materials or in an image.

    Slang Meanings of overlay

    Meaning: To add an extra layer of difficulty.

    Example Sentence: He decided to overlay the project with more requirements.

    Meaning: To enhance something by adding additional features.

    Example Sentence: Let's overlay this song with some cool effects.