Meaning & Definition of word "Carcinogen"






    • 1. A substance or agent that is capable of causing cancer in living tissue.
      • Example: Asbestos is known to be a powerful carcinogen that can lead to lung cancer.
    • 2. Any factor that increases the risk of cancer.
      • Example: Tobacco smoke contains several carcinogens that contribute to cancer development.
    • 3. A chemical or physical agent that is capable of inducing carcinogenesis.
      • Example: Formaldehyde is classified as a probable human carcinogen by various health organizations.
    • 4. An environmental or industrial substance that has been linked to cancer.
      • Example: Certain pesticides have been identified as potential carcinogens in agricultural practices.
    • 5. A term used in the context of cancer research to denote substances that promote tumor formation.
      • Example: The study aimed to identify new carcinogens that are formed during the cooking process of certain foods.


    Derived from 'carcinoma' (cancer) and the Greek suffix '-gen' meaning 'producer' or 'former'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    carcinogenic effects:

    The harmful effects on health that can lead to cancer.

    known carcinogen:

    A substance that has been scientifically proven to cause cancer.

    potential carcinogen:

    A substance that is suspected of causing cancer but not yet definitively classified as such.

    Related Words


    Pertaining to or causing cancer.


    A gene that has the potential to cause cancer.


    An agent that causes genetic mutation, which may lead to cancer.

    Slang Meanings of carcinogen

    Meaning: cancer causer

    Example Sentence: That processed meat is a cancer causer, some say it's a carcinogen.

    Meaning: cancer bomb

    Example Sentence: Smoking cigarettes is like carrying a cancer bomb, full of carcinogens.