Relocating to another country is both a thrilling adventure and a significant challenge. Adjusting to a new climate, meeting unfamiliar people, and adapting to a different lifestyle require flexibility and an open mind.
But there’s one major hurdle: language. This barrier becomes especially pronounced when the new environment is vastly different from what you’re accustomed to.
Today, we’ll share the story of Martien, a designer from Amsterdam who moved with his family to Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. He talked about his experiences adapting to life in the heart of Africa. How does he deal with cultural differences and the language barrier? Read on to find out!
Kigali: New Horizons, New Challenges
Martien moved to Kigali for work. Even though he continues to collaborate with European clients, life in Rwanda has required him to develop new skills. The language barrier proved to be one of the biggest challenges.
In tourist areas, communicating in English is easy. But as soon as you step out of the "tourist bubble", things get more complicated..
"In more high-end restaurants, supermarkets and other companies, staff speak English quite well, but as soon as you visit a local restaurant, supermarket, car dealer or electrician, there’s a big chance of miscommunication", Martien shared.
Most locals are polite — they’ll smile and nod even if they don’t understand you. While that’s kind, it doesn’t help much when you urgently need to fix an electrical issue.
Studies show that the language barrier is one of the main reasons expatriates experience social isolation. They make it harder to build trust, limit access to essential services, and reduce confidence in navigating daily life.
How Martien Tackles the Language Barrier
Martien isn’t one to give up easily. He has found several creative ways to bridge the communication gap:
- Learning basic phrases in the local language to break the ice. It not only helps him get his point across but also creates a positive connection with locals.
“I taught myself some basic sentences in Kinyarwanda., and it surely works. Even if I speak with an accent, people smile and are more willing to assist”, Martien explained.
- Using images on his smartphone to illustrate what he needs — when words fail, visuals save the day.
“I've tried searching for images many times, for example when I was looking for a basketball hoop for my son. It wasn’t ideal, but it worked”, he said.
- Relying on locals to find someone who speaks better English.
“Often locals ask someone from the street (who speaks better English) to translate. Once, a vendor called over a passerby to help explain what I needed”, he recalled.
While these methods partially address the issue, they can be time-consuming and frustrating.
“Honestly, I didn’t expect to find myself in so many situations where language is everything”, he admitted.
This motivated him to seek a more convenient solution. That’s when translation technology came into play.
Translation Tools: A Lifesaver for Expats
Modern translation technologies are key to overcoming language barriers. Apps like Lingvanex offer features that simplify communication: including instant translation of text, speech, documents, and even images.
Having translation tools at your fingertips is, quite literally, a lifesaver. Designed with users’ real needs in mind, Lingvanex works seamlessly on both mobile devices and PCs. This is especially important for expats like Martien, who are always on the move and need quick access to translations.
“For texts and simple phrases, it [the app] works brilliantly. It’s convenient that the app allows on-the-go translations — it’s perfect for life in a new city”, he shared.
The app has become his go-to tool in daily life. From market transactions to conversations with neighbours, Lingvanex eliminates unnecessary stress and confusion.
Why Lingvanex Is Your Best Companion Abroad
Language barriers aren’t just personal challenges — they’re significant obstacles to integrating into a new community. Lingvanex is a universal tool for anyone facing linguistic challenges.
Moving to a new country? The app helps translate anything you need: text, speech, documents, or websites. Want to order an exotic dish at a café? Show a taxi driver an address? Or simply learn more about the local culture? Lingvanex makes it all possible.
For Martien and thousands of other expats, tools like these are more than just a convenience — they’re a necessity that makes life abroad easier and more vibrant.
So, whether you’re planning to move to a new country or trying to settle into a new home, download Lingvanex. Don’t let language stand in the way of your next adventure!